Christmas At Colonial 2024
South Kansas City Campus
Christmas Eve
9500 Wornall, Kansas City, MO 64114
Nursery available.
Overland Park Campus
Christmas Eve
1:00*, 3:00*, & 7:00PM
12501 W 137th St, Overland Park, KS 66221
*Nursery available.
Christmas Fellowship and Gatherings!
Sun, Dec 22 | 9:00 & 10:45AM
OP Campus
Hey, Colonial Kids, Overland Park! Be sure to attend CK Live! on Dec 22 as we will be having our annual "Birthday Party for Jesus!" with tons of fun and party favors. We hope to see you there!

Young Adult Christmas Party
Sun, Dec 15 | 6:00PM | OP Lighthouse
Wear your favorite Christmas pajamas and come ready for food and games! Bring a side/dessert/beverage.

Sat, Dec 14 | 5:30-8:00PM
SKC Terrace Room
It is a family movie night for all ages. We will be watching the Grinch (2018), decorating cookies, having a gingerbread house contest, popcorn bar, and play games.

Sunday Morning Advent Sermons.Watch the Advent Sermon Series Here
This Advent season, join us for our sermon series Whispers of Hope as we explore the hope of a coming Savior through God’s promises in Scripture. Just as biblical characters found strength in challenging times, we too can trust in His faithfulness. We’ll reflect on Old Testament prophecies that prepared God’s people for the Messiah and how this season of anticipation helps us appreciate the good news of Christ’s birth. Let’s prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ!