
Colonial Kids
Leading kids to be the light of Christ.Colonial Kids are children, infants through 5th grade, who are learning about God’s daily presence in their lives, scripture memory, how to pray first, serve others, and love generously.

Meet the
OP Campus Kids TeamGlenn Menke, OP Kids Director, and his staff are ready to welcome kids to fun and learning. Join us Sundays during the worship hours at 9:00 & 10:45AM. Infants & Toddlers meet on the main floor and Preschool thru 5th grade meet in the “Kids Zone” located on the second floor in the main building.

Meet the
SKC Campus Kids TeamCailin Renwick, SKC Kids Director, and her staff are ready to welcome kids to fun and learning. Join us Sundays at 9:15 AM for Sunday School and then kids experience their own unique worship at 10:45 AM. Infants & Toddlers meet on the main floor and Preschool thru 5th grade meet in the “Kids Zone” located on the third floor in the main building.
Sunday school
Colonial Kids LIVE!

Worshiping Jesus in word and in song.New Kingdom Singers is a dynamic Praise & Worship team for preschool and elementary kids. Overland Park Campus meets on Wednesday evenings. South Kansas City Campus meets during the 10:45 Sunday school hour throughout the school year. Using Mark 12:30 as a foundation, each week we explore what it means to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
For Parents
Your kid's safety is our highest priority.Kids Events
Connecting kids and families.The fun continues beyond Sunday mornings! Throughout the year, safe, fun and engaging events are planned to provide connection with God, friends, family and neighbors. For safety reasons, a current Medical & Likeness Authorization Form is required for kids to participate without a parent or guardian in attendance.